Week 5: Welcome Back!

Happy Monday! Now that we are all settled in and into our 5th week of the first semester, I want to say WELCOME to all the new JROTC students and WELCOME BACK to my 2nd year cadets. We are definitely off to a good start! So far we have done introductions, identified leadership positions, learned the JROTC Cadet Creed and the Battalion Motto. We have also discussed expectations in the class and a few ice breakers to get to know each other. In addition, new students were introduced to drill and ceremony and physical fitness training.

ALL uniforms were issued and the students had their very first inspection on last Thursday. All students were given a class on how to properly wear the uniform in accordance with the cadet command regulation. Parents as a reminder, THE JROTC UNIFORM IS DRY CLEAN ONLY, THE ONLY THING THAT MAY BE WASHED IN THE WASHING MACHING IS THE SHIRT.

The schedule for this week is as follows:

Monday - Drill and Ceremony

Tuesday - National Guard Recruiter Presentation

Wednesday - Navy Recruiter Presentation (Early Release Day)

Thursday - Uniform Inspection

Friday - Physical Fitness/Cadet Challenge Events


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